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Leaving Gaza to Be Forgotten Through Changing Agendas…

14 Ağustos 2024 - 07:15

Leaving Gaza to Be Forgotten Through Changing Agendas

Writed By Abdulaziz TANTIK
Since the first ceasefire in Gaza, the agendas have been constantly changing and the genocide that took place in Gaza has been left to be forgotten with new agendas. The Turkish elections, the Iranian elections, the Hezbollah attacks, the killing of the command staff, the attacks in Syria, Turkey being attacked in Iraq, etc. have all been transformed into a phenomenon aimed at forgetting the Gaza massacre.
Every time a ceasefire comes to the agenda, Israel reactivates something and changes the agenda and never approaches a ceasefire again. That is why it also shot Ismail Haniyeh, who was conducting ceasefire negotiations.
We are faced with a multi-layered phenomenon. For example, the first layer; the modern period gave way to the post-modern period. This cannot be fully understood. Here, there is no longer a single power or the conditions of the Cold War period that produced opposition. A multi-layered power hierarchy determines the current position. However, since this situation is not fully understood, continuous cold war diplomacy is expected. However, the situation is the opposite, even the definition of the enemy has changed here. During the cold war, the enemy was clear. Whoever was on which side, the opposite side was their enemy. Today, however, the definition of the enemy has been blurred. There is an enemy definition based on interests… Those who are enemies on one side become allies on the other. In fact, the situation observed for the last ten years has continued exactly like this.
At this point, while Gaza is being destroyed, children are being killed, and the children who are alive are longing for death because of what they have experienced, the countries of the region, the countries of the so-called Muslim peoples, are able to act together with Israel on common issues and manage to keep a reaction to the massacre at the level of mere rhetoric. This situation strengthens the hand of the terror state Israel. If the support of the USA and some European states for Israel continues, the most fundamental reason for this is the economic structure itself. There is a fundamental situation that is ignored: Europe and the USA are under the yoke of Jewish capital. In fact, every country under the yoke of Jewish capital either offers its support or chooses to remain silent. This also serves to ignore the suffering of the Palestinian people and the genocide they are experiencing. In order for political actors not to constantly bring up the situation in Gaza, new agendas are being created for them. With these new agendas, Gaza is being swept under the rug, while Israel continues its oppression in Palestinian lands regardless of its occupancy.
The state of Muslim countries is already obvious… Let them wash their faces with the shame of not being able to take any steps against the oppression in Palestine. Muslims are also having difficulty doing what is necessary in this regard. They are taking action in the areas provided to them and are not directed to take action at the points that will yield real results or they are prevented from doing so. This situation naturally serves to strengthen the hand of the Israeli oppressor. Just as it is seen that international institutions have no counterpart, international law and rights have no counterpart either. While the situation is so obvious, Israel continues its massacres and attacks on people performing morning prayers. There is no place where people can find shelter and two million people have been left to the mercy of a cruel Jew. Today, Israeli Jews are implementing a similar genocide to the one they were subjected to and even worse, on the Palestinian people. So why? The story of the promised day comes to everyone’s mind as an answer. There is some truth in this answer… But it is not enough. The material value of the natural gas field found off the coast of Gaza is an unimaginable figure and is seen as the second largest natural gas field ever obtained. In order to ensure that the Palestinian people do not get a share of this wealth, it is a declaration of will to hold a position that strengthens the hands of the so-called great powers but actually small powers…
The Promised Land encompasses countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, as well as Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria. However, they continue to silently watch the incident as if there is no situation in these countries. However, we have always observed that when Israel wants to attack or the US wants to attack, they produce a reason. If it does not touch you today, it is because the time has not come. Turkey, on the other hand, voices its reaction loudly and refrains from taking any action aimed at stopping the genocide. In the statements made, it is said that Turkey is providing the defense of the Palestinians' struggle. Despite this, since it still cannot establish a sufficient diplomatic ground, it is not possible to find a basis for military diplomacy. Israel, on the other hand, continues to shout about dropping an atomic bomb on its own artists, intellectuals, etc. Turkey is being threatened. It is not clear whether the lack of a response to this is based on a political tactic. However, if this response is delayed, Israel will probably not refrain from carrying out an attack on Turkey through Syria. Even if not first-hand, there is a possibility that it will do this through the YPG, which is second-hand. Since Turkey sees this situation, it says there is no place for a terrorist state in Syria. However, it is essential to overcome this level of discourse and take strategic decisions to ensure a movement against the Israeli and US attack directed at it.
The silence of the Muslim peoples against the Israeli oppression, their failure to see that it will open the door to new oppressions against them, will be recorded in history as a great example of lack of foresight. The Muslim peoples' anxiety about worldliness, their subjection to a lullaby lulled by modern culture, their abandonment of an attitude that prioritizes the afterlife, and their fear of death are all characteristics that cause them to leave a door open. If Gaza is still not enough to wake up Muslims, what else is expected to happen? If the pain of babies killed before their eyes, children and women raped, women and children killed, and people who are disabled is not enough to wake them up, it shows that there is nothing left to do and all Muslims have to do is wait for the Day of Judgment, when divine intervention will be expected… But how will these Muslims give account of themselves and what kind of responsibility their silence against this oppression will impose on them in the sight of Allah, and this is their last chance to think about.
 Waiting for the salvation of someone who is not sleepy, whose heart is not wounded, who does not feel the pain inside, who does not feel as if what was done to the oppressed Palestinian was done to him will be a futile wait. Before the door of repentance closes, it is inevitable for every Muslim to repent and fulfill his responsibility and do whatever is necessary. Living in this world has no meaning other than fulfilling his responsibility. Salvation will not be possible for someone who forgets the afterlife just for the sake of living.
An awakening movement must begin, every conscientious Muslim must compete to create the conditions for standing up and creating a ground to stop this oppression. In this way, they can have an opportunity to carry themselves to divine consent. Therefore, Israel should deserve punishment in this world for the massacre it has committed by the hands of Muslims and should be made to regret what it has done. This regret should not be due to its conscience but due to the punishment it will receive.
Muslims, fear has no benefit in death. The only authority to be feared is Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Then do not fear Israel and its helpers, defeat death, save your afterlife and punish the Israeli killer. In every dimension, on every ground and in every area…
Oh Muslim, do not forget the genocide that took place in Palestine, if you forget, you will be forgotten when you are subjected to oppression…
Abdulaziz p



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