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Being a slave to Allah or Freedom?

20 Ağustos 2024 - 18:06

Being a slave to Allah

Columnist Mr. Abdulaziz TANTIK 
Modern thought, which interprets servitude as the opposite of freedom, and half-Muslims and secularized people who are influenced by modern thought, continue their existence by imagining that everything will start over again when they become free. However, when they realize that they are in a great illusion only after they wake up from their own imaginary worlds, it is too late.
Servanthood is to apply the principles and practices learned through the prophet in the revelation that the Absolute Power addresses to man. Every servitude carries a freedom within itself. The conditions for fulfilling servitude cannot be matured without being liberated from Satan and one's ego! It should not be expected to reach the freedom-producing environment of servitude without seeking to go beyond the existing conditions. Contrary to popular belief, servitude does not mean being a servant or a slave; on the contrary, it builds an environment that liberates man from his satanic and egoistic passions. Then, servitude is an invitation to enhance his essence by carrying freedom within himself.
The fundamental question here is: What is the essence? The essence is the spirit that the Lord breathed into man when he created him. It is useful to think about it knowing that this spirit is only used for man, revelation and Gabriel.
This question also carries with it the question of what man is. It should also include questioning the nature and reason of man's earthly adventure. Freedom and servitude can only reach a sense of its truth when the correct answers are given to these questions. Comparing the answers given by religion/revelation with the answers given by modern thought is now up to the reader's initiative...
Someone who rejects the act of creation and accepts the theory of evolution by saying it is a natural process will not have an answer to these questions other than denial. A mind that accepts freedom as a good news of salvation from God and the Holy will also not have a reasonable and logical answer to these questions. It is obvious that the answers given will carry a delusion within themselves. For example, a mind that accepts the knowledge that religion and religious knowledge cannot be known will not have a response to what it says in terms of the beginning of existence and man! Because in both cases, it is an unknown situation for them. They will be condemned to a reality limited to what it was at that time. And this fate is already clearly shaping their destiny right now.
Freedom is not the ability to do whatever is desired, as is thought. It is just a choice, and every choice creates a responsibility. Then every responsibility eliminates the freedom that has already been determined. In other words, when you accept the concepts of freedom and responsibility on the same plane, declaring that you are free is misleading, and it is not possible to be free in the modern context.
Freedom means ignoring divine commands, ignoring the afterlife and the desire to live one's desires endlessly, and building a completely chaotic ground in life. Therefore, in the modern definition of freedom, the claim that a person's freedom is limited to the area of freedom of another has gained general acceptance. It shows that at that time, the name of freedom was used only as a means of deception. 
However, the area of freedom offered by servitude carries you to a large area. A person's determination based solely on divine consent is a basic medium that frees him from all other desires and enables him to become free. Devotion to the greatest Power frees a person from all false powers... Within this framework, while freedom limits a person, it also carries with it the mortgaging of his future. When religion is rejected, morality is lost. Freedom stands out as a problem area in itself when it is mentioned together with immorality. Therefore, instead of the establishment of a network of relationships on a correct ground and each desire highlighting itself, asking for a single desire/divine consent brings all desires to a single point on a moral ground. This also makes it possible for the person to guarantee their future.
Every criticism directed at servitude indicates that it is made through a negative definition independent of the real definition of freedom. Modern thought, which redefines the concept of slavery, defines being a slave to everything except God as freedom, whether consciously or unconsciously.
If man describes his earthly adventure as a test, then it does not seem possible for him to turn to salvation without getting rid of the temporary values of the earth or without correctly comprehending their temporary nature. However, the interest, devotion and desire of a servitude directed towards God, instead of the temporary, towards the eternal/permanent, frees him from the passion and dependence of the temporary and thus leaps to a ground that will carry him to salvation…
When we exclude modern definitions in the context of truth, servitude and freedom stand out as complementary to each other and complete each other. While servitude carries freedom within itself, freedom builds an environment that will reveal the truth of servitude. There is no servitude without liberation, and liberation cannot be achieved without realizing servitude!
 Then, it would be wrong to accept the content of the concepts presented to us and the place and position they will carry us without understanding them. Every concept carries us to a worldview with the meaning it carries. Therefore, no concept can be considered innocent in this sense! In particular, it has become essential to reveal the concepts produced by modern thought that are hidden under the veil of innocence. Otherwise, we will be condemned to take our place among the human race that witnesses the destruction of humanity.
Overlooking the meanings carried by concepts with perceptions, images, conditionings can cause great destruction. Freedom has become a concept that has been put on the market in the modern West as well. In fact, every rational person knows that the mark of freedom is not read on the ontic ground. In a ground where we are determined from outside almost without exception, when we also take into account new technological developments, thinking and accepting that we are free even when the breath we take is given, trying to live accordingly will mean accepting the position assigned to us within the social engineering presented. In fact, now is the time to be completely liberated. On one condition; It is a call for liberation against all technical and cultural structures that have transformed into a quest to shape the current human. This invitation is also an invitation for the lost humanity to reunite with the human.
In addition to the surrender of the human, who has been separated from God, to the yoke of the god of technology, it is essential for the human, who is invited to the yoke of the newly produced artificial intelligence/divinity, to be liberated from slavery, to try to become human again and to be invited to return to God/Allah, the Supreme Creator, as a human. Otherwise, there is nothing that can stop the enslavement of human beings, and since everything will return to its original identity after the 'Doomsday', it will be a great and painful end for human beings. Because there, the possibility of return is also removed. And the price of the slavery that he has lived in the name of freedom will continue to be a great torment. Now, the choice is in the person's own hands.
Come on, be free and make your own choice, at least make your decision without surrendering to the conditions that determine you. Either you will surrender to Allah and become free, or you will continue to be enslaved by denying Allah.
 Therefore, a person should reconsider his habits and comprehend the meaning of the network of relationships produced by the lifestyle presented to him by also reconsidering the value judgments.
Where is the life you live inviting you?



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