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Step by Step, the Modern World Sinking into Nothingness…

08 Ekim 2024 - 13:26

Columnist: Abdulaziz TANTİK
While the Modern World provided the transition of nothingness from fiction to life practice, it never had any concern about getting rid of the supports it provided… As great philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche pointed out, the Modern World, which emphasizes nothingness as an epistemic stance, also stays away from the capacity to produce meaning. The epistemic crisis, which went down in history as the Kant Crisis, transformed nothingness into a center with the relative dimension of the relationship with knowledge.

As much as the relationship of nothingness with epistemic crisis, the ground provided by the efforts to change and transform all other epistemic facts of the situation of the epistemic/knowledge processes has a great effect. The efforts to prevent humanity from meeting with meaning by changing the divine religion itself, which will be a remedy for nothingness and integrate meaning with life, also reveal the factual situation that exists in the dimensions of being in power as much as the superiority experienced, this superiority is knowledge, technique and ideological superiority.

The Modern World used the power it had and condemned humanity to live devoid of meaning and to nothingness. Instead of producing an answer to this, people have not been able to produce a position other than strengthening their delusions by thinking that they will save themselves with partial touches. It is very painful to observe that institutions, thoughts and cultures that claim to be independent of the modern world, aside from the things that the modern world and its derivatives have done, have also come into existence by being influenced by the modern world to a degree that deceives them. The ability to transform Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism together with Taoism has provided a great power status for the Modern World. Currently, this power continues to exist unshakably because different cultures all over the world continue to seek to be compatible with the Modern World. Despite the Israeli massacre that has been going on for over a year, such as the Al-Aqsa Flood, the fact that expectations from the Modern World still continue guarantees the continuation of the power of Nothingness. The fact that children, women and innocent civilians are killed very easily and eight billion people, over two hundred states and all existing international institutions that have stood by have all gone bankrupt. Nothingness has never declared its existence so strongly until now…

It is obvious that the phenomenon put forward as resistance and the efforts of Iran and Turkey as states have not produced a response. Despite Iran’s desire to do something through the resistance movement, it cannot gain sufficient public support due to the consequences of its traumatic relationship with the majority of Muslims. In addition, despite the increasing support it provides for the Palestinian issue, it has difficulty gaining sufficient public support. On the other hand, despite making great sacrifices, Hezbollah has difficulty gaining sufficient support. The sharp divisions and conflicts experienced in the Syrian issue stand out as a division or can be ensured to be brought forward at the very times when we need to act together.

The Modern World does not hesitate to melt all the differences and diversities together with itself and surrender them to nothingness in a single pot. In fact, it takes a step forward and accelerates the entry into a new era with the claim of a post-human age that will dethrone humans from the throne established by modernity. While change was achieved through feminism yesterday, this change is being accelerated through LGBT-i under the name of gender today. While religion and every concept related to religion is met with a temporary approach and ignored, the Modern World acts recklessly in building a ground that will allow everything forbidden by religion to be perceived as a common and social acceptance…

Instead of tolerating the existence of movements, beliefs and cultures that oppose it, it implements the transformation as a decision by forcing them to change. In contrast, the opposing elements are far from reaching an agreement on a method and information that they will oppose. Instead of questioning every understanding imposed on them, they voluntarily sign up for many of them and cease to be themselves. When we consider the fact that does not accept the agreement between the point that modern Islamic thought has reached and the studies carried out in this field and the point reached, we will observe that we are leaning towards a time when even remaining Muslim is a great miracle. The truth of the news that the sun will rise from the west is increasing. With the Gaza massacre, the tendency towards Islamization in European countries is increasing and a very naive Muslim mass is emerging. Can they play an active role in revealing a new light and hope? We will wait and see. But almost all the structures institutionalized by Muslims in Islamic countries have been deconstructed. Those that have not been deconstructed have no counterpart in reality. Even if remaining in the minority is not important, the lack of a point of contact with the general public remains there as a great chasm.

Therefore, the Modern World does not only condemn itself to nothingness, but also transforms and condemns all cultures and beliefs outside of itself to nothingness. The power, talent and will of those who have that culture and belief to revive a new hope are still not seen. It is essential to find a new way out. But can the knowledge and knowledge process that will ensure that this way out is free from contaminated knowledge processes be put forward? It remains a question. Of course, there are good works, correct positionings and it is possible. However, when the potential power of the Modern World is taken into consideration, action is taken without waiting for any loss of time to transform every beautiful thing that will emerge into a state open to change. In other words, the Modern World does not hesitate to use everything it has; power and technique to succeed in consigning its own non-existence and everything along with itself to non-existence with great determination.

This situation may carry great hopelessness, but it may also arise as the opportunity to build an environment that will help revive a great hope. Because a new beginning of life can be provided from where everything is said to be over. History is a witness to this. Impossibilities carry the greatest possibility in their bosom. What is important is to establish a ground of thought aimed at revealing this will and consciousness…

By establishing a declaration of will, a new knowledge process, a new ground of thought and a new language, it will be possible to establish a strong ground that will enable new hopes to flourish. Great awareness is required. A consciousness must be built on this awareness and a knowledge process must be nourished on this consciousness.

Hope will be revived from the moment we start talking about these issues…

Abdulaziz Tantik



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